What to charge for wine in your Cosmere RPG

Every game master should remember that the tavern is sacred in any RPG. It is where adventures begin, fights break out, allies and enemies are made… Prepare a great tavern to start your party's adventure; they’ll be hooked from session 1.

Most taverns and inns will have a variety of alcohol and food to satisfy any patron, though serving low-ranked customers will favor drinks of a less expensive variety. In addition to drinks, some taverns have additional services such as lodging, animal care, or storm bunkers.

When considering your tavern's menu and services, consider the customers they will serve. If your tavern is right in the middle of a bustling metropolis, it will likely carry wines catering to the wealthy and those visiting the city from other cultures. If your tavern is a countryside way stop, it will likely have a storm shelter and services that can care for pack animals. A tavern is often a reflection of the community's needs, so be thoughtful of where your party is and what they need.

Wines and other alcohol

A note on wines: most wines are associated with a color, but only wealthy patrons tend towards drinks flavored with sweeteners and dyed with color. Uncolored varieties still go by their colored namesake.

Bartenders and customers often note an unfamiliar patron's order; much can be said about what a person orders.


Meals in taverns will vary greatly by what is available. City-based taverns will likely feature a full menu, not dissimilar from a restaurant, but backwater taverns will not offer the same variety.

Other services

Most taverns will seek to be a complete solution for their customers, going beyond food and drink. The most common service most will offer on Roshar will be storm bunkers: since taverns will already be a likely meeting place for the local or traveling populations, it’s the natural place for someone to take shetler from an oncoming storm.

More to come

In the coming weeks, I hope to publish a more comprehensive PDF for gamemasters looking for inspiration on how to make their taverns interesting places for players to explore.

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