Recap from day 2 of Dragonsteel Nexus 2024

A much shorter update for you today. I didn’t think I could have been more exhausted after a con day than I had been yesterday, but I think today’s easier pace lulled me into a more relaxed state.

Today’s focus was on two things: trading cards and Cosmere RPG. I will be going in to more detail about that in future articles, so first I’ll drop more cosplay photos and a fun little story about a connection I made today.

Random events on the day

So many great cosplayers were out again today. I feel like there were more people on site today than there was yesterday, and as a result, it was harder to grab photos. 

What wasn’t (apparently) difficult was having more Sanderson run ins, although this time it was a bit different.

I was on my way to the Cosmere RPG session, leaving the hotel, when someone joined me in the elevator. I noticed their Dragonsteel employee badge, but didn’t make much of a note of it. Since we were both heading in the same direction, we chatted lightly about the fog that had rolled in and how great it must be for the Mistborn cosplayers taking photos. Sure enough there were at least three doing just that nearby. When we got back into the convention, she was immediately recognized and fans kind of swarmed over to say hello… To Emily Sanderson, Co President of Dragonsteel and Brandon’s wife. I completely spaced out and didn’t think twice about it until then.

Trading Card Game

For those who didn’t see my earlier post and YouTube video, there is a con-wide trading card game, just for Dragonsteel, that was this year's special event. I’ll have more to post about it later, but I spent a lot of today doing all the activities that earned you cards. I haven’t quite gotten them all just yet, but I should have the set complete tomorrow! 

 Cosmere RPG

I spent a lot of today attending sessions focused around writing for and homebrewing TTRPGs. The creative juices are flowing and I have tons of great notes for future content on this channel and beyond… just as soon as I finish Wind and Truth,

I also learned A TON of new information about the Cosmere RPG, especially around the Mistborn setting and hints about where we’ll go next. A full article is to come later.